we lose ourselves to alcohol by too much drinking, to drugs by too much consumption, to cigarettes by too much smoking, to the pokies by too much spending, to a sports team by too much enthusiasm, to a band by too much following, to a charity by too much giving, to a church by too much involvement, to a husband by too much pleasing, to a wife by too much protectiveness, to a friend by too much friendliness, too much too much too much. and why? for what reason? in most cases for completely selfish reasons, because it takes away painful reality, because it removes fearful anxiety, because it pushes aside concern and worry, it brings along feelings of acceptance, feelings of inclusiveness, feelings of worth, feelings of greatness, and feelings of hope ... and all things feelings are false! none of them last! which is why we go back to the bottle and the cigarette box and the needle and the casino and the sports stadium and the concert hall and the wallet and the house and the church events ... time after time after time after time after time! ... and still we're empty!
i want to put this to you, that ultimately the reason we lose ourselves to everything is because we want to find ourselves in anything, and we keep going back, because we don't. those things cannot give you your life, it has no life to give! and the more you lose yourself to those things the more you will lost yourself to those things, and in the end you will be lost! when it comes to all those things the end of losing yourself is losing yourself, you won't find anything!
and here is what i am absolutely sold out on, and this is not about another thing to try or an alternate view of jesus ... it is about your life, because it is about your life! losing yourself does not have to end in losing your life ... losing yourself is not an end, it is but a means to an end, the end of which is Christ! don't keep trying to find meaning or save yourself in those things that takes and takes and takes... Jesus says:
"For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it"
if you have to drink or smoke or use and keep losing yourself to a bottle or cigarette or needle to numb the pain of reality, you probably already know that it only last for so long and then you have to lose yourself to it over and over and over again. don't keep losing yourself to false promises of dealing with the pain of reality, keep losing yourself to these things and you will lose your life, not find it.
if you have to give to charities and attend every church event and keep pleasing your husband or wife or friends so that you find worth and satisfaction and feel better about yourself, you probably already know that the next thing just has to be bigger and better, the effort is greater and event grander, and you lose yourself to these moments and persons and events over and over and over again. don't keep losing yourself to false promises of receiving acceptance and worth and satisfaction, keep losing yourself to these things and you will lose your life, not find it.
it is not bad to enjoy a beer, to enjoy good company, to attend a good event, but enjoy it for what it is, not for what it is not. it is not life giving.
there is not anything worth losing yourself to, there is someone worth losing yourself to, and his name is jesus, not as a figure on a dashboard or grand idea on a sunday, but as the giver of life!
if you don't know him then get to know him, you will not and cannot be dissapointed. if you think know him and you are thinking "i already know him, all those poor bad guys who don't" then you should repent and get to know him too.
there's only one way to find acceptance, to find happiness, to find hope, and it's not in things or other people ... whether you call yourself christian or not, find life by losing yourself to jesus!
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