[from "+good.friday"] ... Jesus was treated like we deserve to be treated (he was mocked, his friends betrayed him, his leaders sold him out, the system he was under failed him, he was unfairly accused and sentenced without proof, he was beaten till skin and muscle and bones were literally ripped from his body. as if that wasn't enough, he then died the death we should have died and still deserve to die, nailed onto a wooden cross. on the cross all the low-lives, the perverts, the prostitutes, the sluts, the abusive husbands, the drunks, the druggies, the hypocrites gathered and mocked him and laughed at him and gave him the finger ... all of this in a public place, that if it was today would be like in the car park of the local shopping center. that should have been and still should be us.
so how is this good news? ...
after the humiliating, wrongful, public execution Jesus suffered for us he was taken down from the rugged wooden tool of torture and being declared dead was laid in a tomb. at this point it does not seem like there is going to be good news, our rescuer died for us, but he is dead, we are okay, or are we? what now?
Jesus' friends go to his tomb, and this is where they find the wonderful news, that it is empty! dear friends, muslims travel many many kilometers to a dead persons tomb, buddhists travel from everywhere to the place where buddha is still lying, jews still this day cry at a wall waiting for their rescuer to come. people, your rescuer has come, and he's not dead, he's alive, and if your trust is not in a dead guy or an empty promise, but in the one and only rescuer, Jesus, God, who came on a rescue mission into our world, who suffered and died for us, in our place, for our sins, then you too will not be left for dead, but will have eternal life. Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life, only a live person can be this, not an empty promise, not a dead guy rotting in the ground, only Jesus!
Jesus lived the life you aught to live, He died the death you should have died, and He gives you free life you could never earn. Trust in the living Jesus...your rescuer, your savior, your God!
THIS is the good news, Jesus finishes it with this on the cross ... for all the bad you have done, for all the good you fail to do, for everything that has been done to you, your rescuer has come on a rescue mission for YOU, and there is nothing left to do but trust in Jesus ... because he said "it is finished".
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