i do not even know how to begin to tell the most amazing story of grace and love that is to be told about my life, and it is still only the beginning. so much to be thankful for, so much to be hopeful about.
there are many famous love stories in the world, many stories about a boy meeting a girl, many stories about matches made in heaven, and many stories finishing in happy endings ... this story is mine, and even though it has not finished yet, already has a happy ending...
this story includes many little stories as a part of the plot, and in a way has some fascinating events that make it the unique story that it is. quite simply, this is a story about a boy meeting a girl, winning her heart, fighting evil dragons, moving away from an evil castle where a perceived evil king is ruling, and starting their lives, which might seem difficult at times, but it's their own.
i have come along way with my princess over the last two years, we've been through a lot, and God has been gracious and good. there is a remarkable truth in the saying "marriage is not suppose to make you happy, it's suppose to make you holy", and how true was that to be found, and how wonderful was that to be found. my princess is a gift of a King, she has grown me in so many ways, and made me happy beyond description. there comes a point normally when someone asks then, "knowing what you know now, would you do it again?" ... and my answer would have to be, as i think back about all the struggles and good times, the tears and the laughter, YES, without a doubt yes!
God has been gracious in what is only but a two year sparkle of a marriage, and God will be faithful in fanning this in a full blown passionate flame in the years to come.
my wife, if you are reading this, i love you more than you could ever imagine! you are my princess and you are the greatest blessing next to Jesus himself. you are wonderful, and beautiful, and gracious, and precious, and good, and i cannot wait for the rest of our lives...living as a family, living for our God. happy two year anniversary :)
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